Aeolian Harp
France, 19th century
Copy of an Aeolian Harp originally made by the famous French violinmaker NICOLAS EUGENE SIMOUTRE (1834 – 1904). The original instrument is housed at the Historical Museum of Basel/Switzerland
In 1991 Rainer M. Thurau received another order by the States Museum of Baden-Wuerttemberg to make a historical Aeolian Harp. After a long period of research he decided to copy the instrument of Simoutre. Today his first copy can be seen at the musical Instrument Collection of this Museum at Stuttgart/Germany.

Presentation of the Aeolin Harp by Rainer M. Thurau at the musical instrument collection of the States Museum Baden-Wuerttemberg Stuttgart / South-Germany (in the background a drawing of the “Ghost Tower” of the house of the German poet Theobald Kerner)